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Engage is curriculum for Sunday School or midweek classes. It helps you really train kids in the knowledge, understanding, and application of God’s word.

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Engage is curriculum for Sunday School or midweek classes that helps you really train kids in the knowledge, understanding, and application of God’s word.

The Bible is exciting and life changing. The way kids learn it in your church can be too!

Kids learn the Bible in detail

Kids learn the Bible in detail

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This is no survey or selection of Bible stories. Engage curriculum covers the entire Bible narrative in considerable detail, studying some Old Testament and some New Testament each year.

Review games and a simple time line help kids understand where they are in the Bible history at all times.

All ages learn the same Bible text at the same time, completing the Bible in 208 lessons (4 years).

The Plan

Connect at their age level

Connect at their age level

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Each age group has a lesson designed just for their ability level, from preschool all the way to 6th grade. No need to adapt to different ages.

Ages 3-KGrades 1-2Grades 3-4Grades 5-6

Apply the Bible (and learn HOW to)

Apply the Bible (and learn HOW to)

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It is not just our goal to help kids learn the Bible and apply it to life now, though we certainly want to do that! We also want to help them gain the desire and skills to read the Bible for themselves, understand it, and apply it to their own lives for the rest of their lives.

The application activities are designed with this goal in mind.

Focus on Jesus

Focus on Jesus

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Jesus is at the center of the Bible. Students don’t forget this, even when they are studying Abraham, Joshua, or Jehoshaphat. They not only learn to see the good news of Jesus reflected all through Scripture, they learn to live every part of their lives in light of the good news.

Actively engage

Actively engage

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We know real, in-depth Bible study and active fun aren’t usually thought to go together, but these lessons are loaded with a variety of simple, exciting activities that actually help learning, not distract from it.

Get the big picture

Get the big picture

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Engage is an in-depth study of the Bible, but it is important for students to understand the overall story and how the event or teaching they are studying right now fits into it.

With the interactive Wall Maps and Time Line and the Bible Book Summary Cards, students get context. They see that the Bible is not a collection of disconnected stories, but one story–God’s story!

Engage has been fantastic! Our teachers love it as well as our students. Our students are retaining so much.

Andrea Jones

I truly feel that our kids are gaining a deep understanding of His story! This curriculum is the BEST I have ever used! We are teaching HIS STORY for HIS GLORY and that blesses my soul!

Stacey Payne

This has been an amazing teaching tool. It makes it very easy to lead into deeper discussions with the children. It makes learning the Bible fun and has them asking questions! We absolutely love the Engage Bible Curriculum!!!!

Crystal Gant

We are so very pleased with the Engage curriculum! The children are learning and retaining so much and enjoying the process. I’ve heard nothing but great things from the teachers and students. I love it when adults comment on how much THEY are learning!

Sara Calahan

The material is extremely easy to use! The kids have soaked it all up and I am amazed at how much they have learned. I love the Bible summary cards and the timeline. Kids love to point to the timeline and tell what is happening during that period of time. We will be using this material for years to come. It is the best material we have used in teaching our Wednesday night curriculum. We absolutely love it!

Cindy Miller

We are blown away with how much the kids are learning.

Aly Clark

We are really enjoying the Engage program!! I hear all the time from my kids' Sunday School teachers, VBS teachers, and youth group leaders how amazed they are at my kids' Bible knowledge.

Michelle S

Choose an age group to find out how to use Engage Bible Curriculum with your Sunday School or midweek ministry.

If you need two lessons per week or more, check out the 416 lesson Bible Study Guide curriculum.