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The Plan

Order of Study for 208 Lessons

Lessons are sold in 13 lesson sets (lessons 1-13, 14-26, 27-39, etc.) See store.

This page shows the Engage plan through the Bible, studying some Old Testament and some New Testament each year. Why this order of study? Scroll below the plan for an explanation.

Lessons 1-14
Scripture: Genesis 1-26
Beginning, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

Lessons 15-27
Scripture: from Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
Jesus’ Early Life and First Year of Ministry

Lessons 28-50
Scripture: Genesis 27-50; Exodus 1-20
Jacob, Joseph, Moses

Lessons 51-64
Scripture: from Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
Jesus’ Second Year of Ministry

Lessons 65-86
Scripture: Exodus 24ff, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth
Wilderness Wandering, Entering Canaan, Judges

Lessons 87-102
Scripture: from Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
Jesus’ Third Year of Ministry

Lessons 103-129
Scripture: 1 and 2 Samuel, Psalms
Samuel, Saul, David

Lessons 130-147
Scripture: from Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
Jesus’ Last Week, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension

Lessons 148-172
Scripture: 1 and 2 Kings with Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs and early prophets
Solomon, Kings of Israel and Judah to Captivity, Jonah

Lessons 173-184
Scripture: Daniel, Ezra, Esther, Nehemiah with later prophets and Job

Lessons 185-208
Scripture: Acts with letters, Revelation
Peter, Paul, John

Why This Order of Study?

We believe it is of great importance that students learn the chronology of the Bible from beginning to end and how everything in the Bible fits into that chronology. We use the Wall Time Line constantly to teach kids the overall story and how the events and teachings they are learning fit into that story. Why then, after learning Genesis 1-26, do we switch to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and study the first part of Jesus’ earthly life and ministry before switching back to Genesis 27–Exodus 20? Why do we go back and forth instead of straight through? Here is the reason. If we simply went straight through the Bible, it would be a long time until we came to Jesus. We feel that studying Jesus every year is important. Of course, the whole Bible points to Jesus, and we refer to Jesus in every lesson whether we are in the Old or New Testament. But we want students to encounter Jesus’ life and teachings often and deeply.